At Nature Discovery today we discovered a new area to play in. We have called it the Woody Hollows. Tallulah, her Mum and Caleb made a stone sculpture, Gabbie found a Moth that she looked after for a while then let go. The Woody Hollow had lots of trees, leaves and sticks for us to build and make things with. One of our parents from DOC taught the children how to look for shelter and make arrows to show adults where they are if the get lost. We have started playing a Search and Rescue game practicing these skills and of course our Nature Discovery call. We all enjoyed lighting the fire for the thermette and having our Milo right in the middle of the Woody Hollows, it was like camping.
Today we used the old charcoal from our fire which we put in an ash can at the end of the day. It was now cold and we wanted to see if we could draw pictures with it. The pieces were various shapes and sizes. Some pieces we could draw thin lines like using a pencil and other pieces we rubbed over the paper to create wider and lighter lines or areas.
Shelby used the thin small pieces to draw a helicopter. We all had fun making patterns on our paper with the charcoal.
It was great to discover that we didn't need to bring pencils and crayons to Nature Discovery to be able to draw - we can just use charcoal instead.