Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Our great find

This week at Nature Discovery has been amazing.  On Monday we decided to go for a walk on the track, I suggested we go really slow so we could explore the side of the track and the ground in front of us, you never know what you will find.  Hunter was the first to make a magical discovery, there sitting on the edge of the track was a spiny head stick insect.  It was bright green, long and in no hurry to go anywhere.  Some children were very brave and let it climb on them, others were quite happy to stand back and just watch as the stick insect explored us.  Lilli was very brave, the stick insect liked her so much it crawled up to the top of her head!  After we had had a long look and talk about the stick insect we put it back where we found it so it could continue on its journey.  As Winter is leaving us and spring is making it presence, the children are noticing the changes in the trees and other plants.  There is no better way to look at these changes than being up the tree.  The view up there is great too we can see more that is happening on the ground and around the park.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Natures Gifts

On Monday at Nature Discovery the children got very creative with the different leaves and sticks they found.  They made a beautiful picture then framed it with bark and sticks.  On Tuesday when they came back to Kindergarten they told the children that go on Wednesday that they had left a surprise for them. On Wednesday the children set off to find the surprise that Mondays group had left for them.  The beautiful picture made everyone smile and after much discussion it was decided that we should add to it so that Mondays children could have a surprise too.  Everybody began searching and it became a treasure hunt.  Many of Natures beautiful treasures were found and another beautiful picture was created.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Playing Search & Rescue in Fiordland

Monday 6th August 2012

Today we showed the children how to play Search and Rescue.  In this game we get an adult and a couple of children to pretend they are lost in the bush.  They leave clues of arrows made from branches, stones or leaves to guide the Searchers to them.
Lilli said, "We have to find the people who are lost. We have to follow the arrows.  We listen for sounds to help us find them. I liked playing this game because it was fun hiding with you."

We discovered many beautiful cobwebs in the trees.  The foggy morning made the cobwebs look all beautiful.

At Nature Discovery we like to climb trees.  We have been encouraging the children to make their own risk assessment when climbing.
Today, Degan measured the branch against his arm to make sure it was big enough before he started climbing.
Degan's Story: "I looked at a branch to see if it was safe.  It was safe because my arm was smaller.  Then I climbed it.  I went a wee bit far."

Monday, August 6, 2012

Feeding birds in Fiordland

Wednesday 1st August 2012
Today at Nature Discovery we made bird feeders.
Kaira's story" "We made bird feeders so the birds can have something to eat at winter time.  We used peanut butter, bird food - little seeds and pine cones.  I put peanut butter on the pine cone and I rolled it in the bird food because the peanut butter was sticky. We tied string on the pine cone and we hung them up on trees.  I saw one bird eat the bird feeders and I was sneaking up quietly so I could see a bird eating it."